The data above are cached for a short while to enhance the performance.
ToDo list
In fact, I don't really plan when I do what for my website. So I separated the things I want to do into the categories 'will happen during the next time' and 'well, this can take a looong time'... ;o)
Stuff for the next time:
create a new BZFlag stats stie and include some features into this website
include a new site where global registered BZFlag players can add/edit/delete match servers in a list
new template file for the main site to support the website logos for Safari and Konqueror too
make site compliant to Section 508 and/or WCAG 1.0/2.0 (Web Accessability Initiative)
create new BZ comics
add a new section called 'About...' (me, this site, ... whatever)
These things will take a few months/years:
implement my poll tool
think about the concept of use site parameters (GET, POST, other ideas)
consider abolishing actual template engine or using another one?