This is strayer's / ASP's BZFlag site, test-platform and private homepage with TVinfo and other stuff.


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*:o) without strayer (o:



The data above are cached for a short while to enhance the performance.
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news-entry-image10 2005-05-21 - 19:55:21 CET --- STRAYER
Two months and three days after BZFlag 2.0.2 "Queen of Maybe" was released I added a new feature to my website ... it's BZFlag's ChangeLog > 'BZ changelog'.
Thus, this is the 'third of it's kind'. Like 'BZ history' and 'BZ developer' before, a script downloads the data, converts them into XML and stores them as files locally on the server. The content of these files is displayed via this website.
The XML files of 'BZ history', 'BZ developer' and 'BZ changelog' will be updated in 'adequate periods'; the first two once a week and the last one once a day (actual situation). The refresh will be initiated when someone requests the corresponding sites and the max. age of them is reached and new data are available. > So, the first one is the 'poor one' who has to wait a few seconds until the data are refreshed. (I don't want to sacrifice a cronjob for this.) ;o)

If someone is interested in the XML files or the PHP code ... write me an email.

Btw: The ChangeLog data are also cached in form of HTML code, because it's creation takes around 10 seconds and I don't want to strain the server more than needed...I wrote the PHP code inefficient anyway, so I tried to make it up for it. :o)

news-entry-image9 2005-04-17 - 23:36:27 CET --- ASP
CGI:IRC is back...
You can chat again under 'BZFlag - IRC Chat'. :o)
Fortunately, I found a new server where I can let run the scripts of CGI:IRC for free again.
> is really cool...

news-entry-image8 2005-04-14 - 12:15:00 CET --- ASP
CGI:IRC isn't available
As you may have noticed so far...the CGI:IRC service is out of order. I originally implemented this service because I needed it. During the last years I wasn't relied on it but I still wanted to provide it. Unfortunately, I was and am not able to host it, but BeZee aka LuZeeFa was so kind to host the needed scripts on his webspace. Sadly, he cannot host it any longer. (It's not his decision of course! where the 'powers that be' :o])
Thank YOU for hosting it for the last years!

I'll stay tuned to find another possibility to bring it back...

I did some smaller stuff during the last weeks in the PHP-code: I improved the speed of load time of the whole site a little (together with Impulz) and added an overview over the BZFlag developers who are listet at

news-entry-image7 2005-03-23 - 23:58:01 CET --- STRAYER
BZFlag 2.0.2 "Queen of Maybe" Released - March 18, 2005, 10:58 AM by timriker
> took only two(!) months and the BZFlag-developers released a new version. They fixed a few bugs and (even) added new features!
>>> Great job... ;o)

As you may have realized, during the last weeks the most 1.10.x-servers changed to the newer 2.0.x version. For the sake of completeness...there are still (at least one) 1.7.x-servers available.

news-entry-image6 2005-02-20 - 03:56:56 CET --- STRAYER
I did only some smaller PHP-code-stuff during the last weeks, but this night I implemented the history-XML-file from the 'BZFlag wiki pages' into this website. The file content (saved on this server) will automatically been checked for updates in adequate periods.
The content of this file is available in English only...

Something that was much more important for me...I fixed a few bugs in my update script for the section 'TVinfo|DE'. At the same time I added 3 new telestations.
...all for my addiction to TV... :o)

news-entry-image5 2005-01-27 - 12:26:16 CET --- ASP
I did some bugfixes in the XHTML code and changed some of the PHP stuff...
> Nearly every site seems to be XHTML- and CSS-valid... ;o)

As you can actually read in the headline:
'BZFlag 2.0.0 "Falcor's Despair" is Released! - January 17, 2005, 9:08 PM by timriker'
> This was reason enough to update my BZFlag scripts that show the server's version numbers now.

No idea if anyone noticed so far...but there is a new section so called 'Statistics' online; in traditionally 'beta-testing'-status. :o)
> It's just a short overview over this website...nothing special...but I liked to write it. You can view it when you click on 'Statistics' on the right side of the website. (If you use the design 'insane', it's on the other side...hehe)

news-entry-image4 2005-01-06 - 21:38:50 CET --- ASP
The website moved to another server (again). If there is something that doesn't me or wait until I find the problem too. ;o)
> Don't stop moving...

news-entry-image3 2004-12-25 - 12:01:20 CET --- STRAYER
My 'BZFlag-server-query-script' works for the actual test versions of the new BZFlag release now, too. The differences in the code were not that much. :o)
> So...there are no servers online at the moment that are not query-able (1.7.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x and the test servers).

A few weeks ago...I wrote an experimental (so called) 'searchplugin' for Mozilla's Firefox (that should also work for Mozilla Suite, Netscape 6 and higher - and Opera one day?). It's searching the database for telecast titles that are alike or equal to the string you were looking for.
Every match will be displayed (incl. the relevance score) with further details. The plugin is still kinda 'naked', but it works fine.
If you are interested, you can install it automatically if you click here or manually (Here are the files and here is a howto).
> Further questions?...ask me...

news-entry-image2 2004-12-23 - 00:49:19 CET --- STRAYER
I fixed a few 'more or less' dramatic bugs and added 'BZ server statistics' in the section 'BZFlag'. This replaces a simple HTML-file I used before to get an overview over the BZFlag servers around. I thought that someone is (maybe) interested in this information I added it.
> I did a lot last it's time for an Xmas break? ;o)

Btw...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :o)

news-entry-image1 2004-12-21 - 00:12:16 CET --- ASP
I added three design-styles today. These are 'TLZ style', 'insane' and 'grey-red'. Maybe I will rename some of them, but who cares. ;o)
I think, every style has it's own charm...try them.
> One or two further designs are planned...let's see if I create them.
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