This is strayer's / ASP's BZFlag site, test-platform and private homepage with TVinfo and other stuff.


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*:o) without strayer (o:



The data above are cached for a short while to enhance the performance.
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news-entry-image10 2005-10-20 - 12:14:29 CET --- STRAYER
Well...nothing spectacular happend these days...
...except for:
BZFlag 2.0.4 "Shiny" Released - September 30, 2005, 12:01 PM by JeffM
A new BZFlag release came out of the devs dark room. (For the first time...not from the official maintainer.)

I fixed some minor bugs in the BZFlag server queries...that's it.

Just to let you know I'm still alive... ;o)

news-entry-image9 2005-09-29 - 12:22:20 CET --- STRAYER
I added 'BZFlag - BZ flaglist' which contians all flags implemented in the actual BZFlag development build. There's a short description and some additional info for each flag. The whole information are from a source file of the BZFlag this list is always up-to-date, but available in English only and contain just a few explaining words.
The flaglist is also available as XML file at 'Xtra stuff - XML files'.
Maybe I'll complete this with a command list and some more info for the flags...but not during the nexts days... ;o)

news-entry-image8 2005-09-14 - 09:05:20 CET --- STRAYER
Well .. there were a few changes during the last weeks on this website. These are an article about 'inline media' (also called 'embedded media'), a cache for the content of the status information on the right side and .. finally .. a 'sitemap'.
The article about 'inline media' contains a description who to embed different kinds of media into a document. That means that there isn't just a link to an external file, but the declaration and the whole data stream of the media. It's shown on the example of an image which is embedded into an (X)HTML document. (Actually, this text isn't online for a long time, but a lot of people already found it via web search engines .. interesting.. ;o)
The cache for the stats on the right side (or on the left .. depends on the style/design) will be updated after a short time (actually 5min). This decreases the load time for the website a lot (not only noticeable). Futhermore, I worked on another code part to increase the load time speed .. well .. I fight for every micro second.. :o)
The script for generating a 'sitemap' is a result of boredom. It doesn't make sence at all (for such a small site), but it was the challenge to bring all the parts of the menu together, because the site's logical structure (I call it like this .. even when it's pure derision.. ;o) doesn't make it easy. So, don't ask for the sense, because (like the whole site) it's just for fun..

news-entry-image7 2005-08-24 - 11:44:40 CET --- STRAYER
I added input fields for Jabber, Gadu-Gadu and Skype in the guestbook...let's hope that I didn't forget another important instant messenger. :o)

news-entry-image6 2005-08-17 - 13:32:53 CET --- ASP
Someone may have realized...there's a new section since around 2 weeks > 'Xtra stuff'.
It contains all the stuff I wasn't able to add to the existing categories. Actually, the content is confined to the following stuff:
XML files
This is a list of XML files I use on this webserver for different things. The files are actually related to BZFlag (history, developer and changelog files) and TVinfo (an overview about the running telecasts for a few telestations). When I write this part I didn't care if someone wants to use it regularly by storing the direkt URL, so they are not permanent for the BZFlag XML files...but I'll change this. The TVinfo XML file is always up to date because it's generated on the fly.

Here can you find a collection of searchplugins/searchengines I wrote or modified for browsers like Firefox, Mouilla Suite/SeaMonkey and Netscape. If you have JavaScript activated you can install it immediately, otherwise you have to download the ZIP archive and install it like written down in the README file. I've no idea if someone needs them, but I mainly wrote them for myself so i don't really care. ;o)

ToDo list
My ToDo list is just thought to remember myself what I want(ed) to do. I'm normally not spontaneous, but when I write something for my website this 'rule of life' doesn't count. So it's not a list with a step by step development of this's more a frame/scope...

What's new?
This is an overview about the changes from my old website to the new one. As you can see it's quite old (2004-12-02) but the section 'News' contain the changes after this 'milestone'. ;o)

If I'll have something new which might be interesting for someone else, I'll add it in this new section.

news-entry-image5 2005-07-29 - 22:39:54 CET --- ASP, I brought the 'ELO Rating Calculator' online. Maybe there is someone who wants to calculate possible score combinations or chances against another team.
The weighting-factor for BZFlag is quite high...15 to 30 is normal, but 40 is much I'll (maybe) give the opportunity to change this factor by hand.

news-entry-image4 2005-07-17 - 20:29:09 CET --- STRAYER
Well...I added a new design style today:
After creating the TLZ style according to the actual design of the Zeebrother's website, I decided to do the same with/for the official BZFlag site. I hope there are one or two people out there who like it. It looks a little plain, but who's like the original. :o)
> Have fun...

PS...many thanks to the anonymous donator for the nice contact picture. *eg*

news-entry-image3 2005-06-26 - 23:09:06 CET --- STRAYER's quite interesting...something unexpected happened...the list-server for the old 1.7x versions of BZFlag changed from to at 2005-06-22 07:45 CET. I realized this today and modified the requested URL. Something like that never happened before since I query this list (over 3 years now!). If such a change will happen again, I'll include a snippet which will automatically look for the right URL each time. Until now, I didn't use it, because it needs a little more time, but I'll see...
In fact, there is nearly nobody who plays on these old BZFlag servers and only Tim Riker (actually BZFlag maintainer) is running such an old server, but who knows what it's good for? Well, this was the first kinda server I wrote my PHP-query-scripts I'm possibly too sentimental to delete this part of code... ;o)
(As far as I know, I'm the only one who supports all versions from 1.7x to [actually] 2.0.x.)

news-entry-image2 2005-06-04 - 14:19:40 CET --- STRAYER
during the last days, I changed several things in the categories 'BZFlag', 'TVinfo|DE' and (the still experimental) 'Website Statistics'.

I changed the update script for 'BZ changelog' that special characters are displayed correct and not get lost during the import via SimpleXML. Furthermore, I stopped the support for older versions of the browser MS InternetExplorer. (Everything should work fine with the version 6.0 and higher, while 5.0 will not display the information clue what about the 5.5-releases.)
Here was changed quite a lot. I edited the update script in many points, so that even less-important telestations should always have data too and the script needs noticeable less RAM during a full data update.
I also wrote a new script which shows me, if there are new telestations available, a few telestations dropped out and so on. As a result, there are the following changes:
- 2 new telestations
- 1 telestation, which was inactiv until now, has data again
- 11 names of telestations changed
- 5 new images for telestations are available.
Website Statistics
I just added the 'Google pagerank' of this website here...have a look at the difference between and ;o)

Apart from smaller changes and eventually a new category, which might contain different gimmicks I wrote (which can be downloaded then), I will not do anything here for a while, because I don't have the time to work on this website.
Thanks for using this site... :o)

news-entry-image1 2005-05-23 - 22:03:12 CET --- STRAYER
UPDATE to the last entry
I want to thank Chestal for his patience, because he was willing to edit the BZFlag changelog file several times(!) to make it much more that my script is able to read it and interpret it's content correctly.
And now, it seems to work. ;o)
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