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Bamboo is a wallpaper changer and a screensaver based on Gnutella.
It gets images from the Gnutella network and changes the your desktop background wallpaper.
An user can search on the net using one or multiple keywords and choosing the file extension for the images.

Download it Now (it's freeware)

Bamboo is a Screensaver too

Use these keywords to search on gnutella and  get the best images






Bamboo Screenshot

Pay Attention the content of the images is unknown and it can be for adults only.

The program automatically searches images every 30 minutes.


After the first run wait for some minutes the program must update the gnutella cache searching for new nodes.

An icon will be installed in the task bar to signal the presence of Bambo as active process

taskbar screenshot

 The icon in the taskbar can be clicked to show the main panel or to quit the program.


Further details later, but you can download and test the current version if you want.
If you have questions or suggestions, write to veldom[at]gmail[dot]com or wait until the 'suggestion' section works. :o)

The image at top of this site is by Ahsa Anderson and distributed with a Creative Commons License

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