This is strayer's / ASP's BZFlag site, test-platform and private homepage with TVinfo and other stuff.

Xtra stuff


XML files  
(BZFlag, TVinfo)


Inline media  

ToDo list  

Website statistics  

What's new?  

Select a look

Valid XHTML 1.0!
Valid CSS!

number of entries:

last entry:


number of entries:

last entry:


number of servers:

number of players:

last query for:
0 min

number of stations:


data since:

data until:



*:o) without strayer (o:



The data above are cached for a short while to enhance the performance.

XML files

This is a collection of XML files I use. Most of them are automatically generated (incl. internal DTDs) and a few are just taken over from other sources (with external DTDs). ;o)

If you use these XML files keep in mind that some of them use the character set 'UTF-8' and the others 'ISO-8859-1'!'s possible to bookmark the links to the XML files, because they are always up-to-date now.
TVinfo|DE - current program creation/update: on request (live)
The immediate generated XML file contains the current TV program of all the telestations which are in my database. The available tags for each telestations are: name ot the telestation ('sendername'), title of the telecast ('titel'), time when it started ('zeit') as UNIX timestamp and how long it'll run ('dauer') in minutes.
If someone is interested in using these data for...whatever...please write me an email, because there exists a much more efficient way to get my TV data with causing less traffic!
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - history creation/update: 2007-01-10
This XML file is a copy of BZFlag's 'history file' from the CVS sites on It will be checked for changes in adequate periods and updated on my server if a newer version is available.
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - developer creation/update: 2007-09-05
The content of this XML file comes from the website and contains information about the developers who work on the game 'BZFlag'. The website's content will be downloaded automatically in adequate periods and stored as XML file on this server.
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - changelog (development) creation/update: 2007-03-27
As you can imagine...this is the changelog file of BZFlag in form of an XML file. The original is available on the CVS sites on The content of this file will be checked for updates in adequate periods too. The original changelog file isn't completive, so I add some information to the other data during the convertion into XML. :o)
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - flaglist (development) creation/update: 2007-01-27
Content of this file is a complete list of all BZFlag flags which are available in the actual development builds. From time to time new flags are implemented. Therefore, some of these flags may be new for you, because they aren't in the actual BZFlag release. As the files above...this file will be updated in adequate periods from the CVS sites of BZFlag on
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - bzfs's command line option list (development) creation/update: 2007-04-01
Content of this file is a list of options for the BZFlag game server which are available in the actual development builds. As the files above...this file will be updated in adequate periods from the CVS sites of BZFlag on
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - client commands (development) creation/update: 2007-03-28
Content of this file is a list of available commands for the BZFlag client which are available in the actual development build. Parts of the containing information were added (more or less) manually, because there are some workarounds in the client's source code files which makes it quite difficult to get all commands. As the files above...this file will be updated in adequate periods from the CVS sites of BZFlag on
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML

BZFlag - client's default key layout (development) creation/update: 2007-01-08
Content of this file is an overview of the client's default keyboard mapping (driving the tank and so on...) as they are available in the actual development build. As the files above...this file will be updated in adequate periods from the CVS sites of BZFlag on
---> click here to view the XML file's content as HTML